Catalog of the Dovzhenko-Center’s research project “VUFKU. Lost & Found”, which collected unique archival materials, illustrations and documents of the 1920s. The history of VUFKU (All-Ukrainian Photo Cinema Management) is one of the most successful modernization projects of Ukrainian culture to this day. The book aims not only to present this forgotten phenomenon, but also to try different ways of dealing with the lost and finding it. Specifically for the publication, six well-known writers (Oleksandr Irvanets, Tania Maliarchuk, Oleksii Nikitin Anton Sanchenko, Natalka Sniadanko and Irina Tsilyk) have created fictional texts based on plots of 1920s lost films that have come to us in the form of so-called libretto-expanded synopsis.
Special Distinction of the jury at the IV competition for the best book design in 2019 among books with cultural studies!
Design, layout – Aliona Solomadina; concept of publication, research and selection of visual material – teamwork of the designer together with creative director Olga Zhuk and curators / editors Anna Onufriienko, Stanislav Menzelevskyi and Oleksandr Teliuk.
The book was published with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund.